Selasa, 28 Juli 2009



Gutter is a matter that is not limitless, as related to one another with aspects of life. Efforts to cope
gutter has been conducted by both government and private institutions. One of Non-Formal Education in tackling the
gelandanganadalah increase the standard of living and hakat gutter with educative and persuasive approach. They dibelajarkan to change attitudes towards mental illness. Dibelajarkan do not know of the future to know the future, from
less skilled become skilled, mental surrender of oneself to the fate to be disposed of and mental development. Efforts such as these have been done in Panti Karya Sosial Provinsi Lampung, but the results
not as expected. Not all vagrant or services after obtaining dibelajarkan has a mental attitude as expected.

This study aims to know the contribution of Non-Formal Education in the mental attitude in the gutter Panti Karya Sosial Provinsi Lampung. In this research use descriptive method and approach
quantitative calculations using the statistical-calculation. As the population is all in the gutter that ditampung Panti Karya Sosial Provinsi Lampung. Sampelnya amounted to 30 people, with a sampling
porpusif The techniques for collecting data used interview method using the interview guidelines, observation and assistance
recording documentation. Analysis of data using multiple linear regression, the extent of 95% significance or alpha 0.05. And the analysis results obtained information that the general Non-Formal Education to provide kontribusiyang mean change in mental attitude in the gutter Panti Karya Sosial Provinsi Lampung. Specifically obtained:
1. Relevance of study programs to the needs, the implementation of learning activities
and goals to be achieved through learning activities together to provide meaningful contribution to efforts to change attitudes towards mental
loiterer in Panti Karya Sosial Provinsi Lampung. Amount of the contribution is 28%. This means that 28% variations that occur on the mental attitude changes associated closely with the drifter program to study the relevance
with the needs, the implementation of learning activities and goals to be achieved
through learning activities in the Panti Karya Sosial Provinsi Lampung.
2. Relevance of study programs with the need to contribute a
means to change the attitudes of mental drifter in Panti Karya
Social Lampung Province. Amount of the contribution is 15.9%. This means
15.9% variations in attitudes mental changes associated closely with the vagrant
relevance of study programs to the needs of learning in the Panti
Social work of the Province of Lampung.
3. The process of implementation of the learning activities provide a meaningful contribution
efforts to change attitudes towards mental drifter in Panti Karya Sosial
Lampung province. Amount of the contribution is 10.24%. This means that 10.24%
variations in attitudes mental changes associated closely with the vagrant
implementation of the learning activities of the Provincial Social Panti Karya
4. Objectives will be achieved through learning activities do not provide
contribution to the business means that change in attitudes mental loiterer
Panti Karya Sosial Provinsi Lampung.